Olive oil can control overeating

The heart-health benefits of olive oil are well-known. An Austrian research study reported that natural fats in olive oil regulate the sensation of “full” after eating. So, olive oil can prevent overeating and restrict daily calorie intake.
A collaborative study led by Prof. Veronika Somoza and Prof. Peter Schieberle from University of Vienna and Technische Universitat Munchen studied the effects of four different edible oils, olive oil, butterfat, lard and rape seed on control of overeating.

The investigators asked the study participants to take 500g of low-fat yogurt with any one of the four edible oils, along with normal daily diet, over a period of three months.

After three months, no increase in body weight or body fat percentile was observed in the olive oil received group. When compared to other groups, the participants in olive oil group reported greater level of satiety.

Higher levels of blood serotoninlevels were found in the olive oil treated group, said Prof. Peter. Serotonin is responsible for satiety control, and higher levels of satiety were observed in olive oil received participants. All participants reported satiety after consumption of olive oil-enriched yogurt, he said.

What surprised the researchers is the fatty acids present in rapeseed oil and olive oil are the same.

The team believed the aromatic compounds of olive oil could be the satiety inducer. The team conducted another study with olive oil aroma extracts. One group of participants received yogurt with olive oil aroma extracts while the control group received yogurt without additives.

The calorie intake in the olive oil group was same as like the previous study. Increased daily intake of about 176 kilocalories was observed in the control group.

The aromatic factors could be satiety inducer in olive oil received group, said one of the researchers. However, several factors including blood sugar levels influence the maintenance of satiety, he added.

Other studies reported Hexanol and E2-Hexanol present in olive oil can reduce the liver absorption of glucose from the blood. Absorption of blood glucose into the liver results in hunger. So, olive oil can be good regulator of satiety and hunger.

Till date, no medicines are effective in maintenance of satiety.


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