
Tremoris mostly caused by the neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and injuries of the head, vitamins and mineral deficiency and also by heavy metal poisoning. Tremors are often characterized by involuntary but rhythmic muscular contraction and spontaneous relaxations that cause the involuntary body movements in head, throat, hands and legs, even in the eyeballs

Types and Causes

Some of the common types of tremors are Parkinsonian tremor that is caused by Parkinson’s disease; Essential tremor for which the exact cause is unknown; cerebellar tremor that is caused by genetic disorders, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis like degenerative disorders; rubral tremor that is caused by some forms of strokes; orthostatic tremors that are caused by neurological disorders and dystonic tremors as a result of aging and previous head injuries. Some of the tremors can be a result of mercurial poisoning, smoking, alcohol, tobacco, peripheral neuropathy and by venomous insect bites


The main symptoms are involuntary shaking of the eyes, hands, head, legs, slurry voice and inability to hold the utensil or even the pen. These symptoms are usually temporary and in some neurodegenerative problems, these conditions may be chronic and they are difficult to treat.

• Neuro-diagnosis
• Clinical Examinations such as asymmetry, muscular coordination, sensory checks and reflex tests
• CT, MRI and Neuro-MRI
• Laboratory tests such as thyroid function tests, blood glucose levels and drug index levels

Treatment Options

The drugs used in the treatment of tremors are L-DOPA, diazepam, primidone, beta-blockers, anti-convulsants, anti-cholinergics and deep intra-muscular Botox injections. Refraining from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco is useful for the treatment procedure. In some cases, surgery treatment such as Thalatomy is prescribed with or without deep brain stimulation procedures. These medical and surgical procedures are useful in many cases; but in deep brain pathology cases, these treatments can treat the symptoms and recurrence of tremors is usual.


In some forms such as the vitamins and mineral deficiency–induced tremors, the prognosis is good with treatment; the prognosis in the poisoning forms may be sometimes permanent depending on the damage of the brain nerves and in the case of neurodegenerative disorders, the prognosis is usually poor in the advanced stages and the problem can be treatable in some cases but not curable.


If the underlying cause is either by poisoning or by drugs or as a result of vitamin and nutritional deficiency, you can treat the symptom accordingly. You can avoid these forms of tremors, but for the tremors with degenerative and neurological disorder pathology, as of now, there are no preventive measures available and they should be treated only by medical intervention.

When to see a doctor

If you experience abnormal and involuntary body movements mainly in the head, legs, eye balls and hands or if you experience rhythmic or jerky movements in any part of the body, you need to consult a physician right away.


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