And the same goes for cancer in general - not only for colon cancer .
The proposed cancer researcher Dr. John Croy nutritional approach promises not only ill, the risk of cancer to reduce significantly, but also stop the growth of tumors. His findings are based on the proven from him "TKTL-1 gene that is responsible, according to Dr. Croy, for the spread of cancer cells. Sugar is the main nutrient of the gene lacks this, can also prevent the cancer spread to his, said the doctor.
Incidentally, may I (again) to say that I sugar (meaning the sugar) consider one of the most harmful products.
Incidentally, Dr. Croy's weapons against cancer are called fruits and vegetables. It contains vitamins, trace elements, minerals and phytochemicals inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Attaches particular importance to the cancer doctor present at the fabrics resveratrol, quercetin and Salvestrols, which can be detected mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables.
Dr. Croy is generally recommended to the consumer, to original, non-cultivated fruits and vegetables to use. In preparation should be limited to frying, steaming or baking. The boiling in too much water destroyed the major mediators.
According to the cancer researcher should cabbage on the menu are missing and not be eaten up to four times a week. Thus, the risk is of getting breast or bladder cancers to decrease significantly. It is a careful preparation, if possible, a steamer must be found. Also eaten raw cabbage is a real mineral spring.
Tomato recommends that the physician fully. In addition to antioxidants include tomatoes rich in vitamin E and beta carotene. A special feature leads to Dr. Croy that contained Lyopin can develop its full effect only when heated. He therefore recommends that preferably pureed tomato soup or concentrated tomato paste in the menu.
For centuries the health benefits of onions and garlic is known. Special importance in the fight against cancer is to the sulfur compound allicin. The fabric can be formed only when the tubers and small cuts can rest a while. Optimally, a combination with oil. Tolerates heat, the valuable material is not.
Citrus fruits, the doctor recommends for the general strengthening of the immune system. Furthermore, they can increase the effectiveness of plant compounds by one adds the freshly squeezed juice salads or desserts. Also fresh berries are considered cancer inhibitor. Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and black currants can also be used frozen.
When seasoning the food recommends Dr. Croy the plant material of turmeric prevents the formation of metastatic cancer cells, bringing the death. He remains in the body longer when seasoned with additional pepper.
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