° longer hospitalization pain and discomfort
° increased pain and discomfort
° additional loss of earnings
° Increased consumption of drugs with potential side effects
° extended disruption to the patient’s lifestyle and family
° lengthened recovery time.
identifiable costs for health trust include the use of more equipment such as protective clothing, and more time processing The length of the adoption and use of specialized services, such as micro-biology and infection control personnel (Ayliffe et al 1999) ..
Nurses should ensure that best practices for infection control saved, it is always safe and promote income The interests and welfare of the patient (UKCC 1992), pro-tecting their patients from acquiring infections from the possible source. A common problem in hospitals, Methicillin-distribution Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), resistant bacteria Most of the known antibiotics, which is a virulent infection tions in susceptible patients. This is a worldwide problem, and This makes it much more difficult to determine whether different bacteria developed pressures over time, and otherwise appear in different places (Ayliffe et al. 1999). Principles of infection prevention important to deal with known infections, prevention is always better than cure.
To be able to spread infection from one person to avoid Another "chain infections" (May 2001) to be broken (Fig. 3.1). Appropriate measures in each stage of the chain reduce the risk of spreading infection.

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