For infections, especially those involved in the mucosal (colds, bronchitis, sinus infections, flu), is a "classical" orthodox medical treatment in my experience no permanent solution.
The antibiotics do not work against viruses, should now have spread. And yet they are ordered by preference.
This is where the micro-biological therapy:
It stimulates the body's immune system and stabilizes as the gut microflora after antibiotic therapy. A physiological microflora is the basis of an intact immune system.
At the micro-biological therapy (also symbiosis is called), the patient preparations in live or killed micro-organisms themselves. In general, these micro-components of the natural intestinal flora: non-pathogenic E. coli strains, Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are the most frequently used bacteria.
So far - so good.
Hundreds of my colleagues practicing intestinal rehabilitation , symbiosis, etc. every day.
The crucial question is:
Why do not they all doctors?
Why is not this the standard of care?
Why is always on the microbes (bacteria and viruses) are taken with any weapon (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, etc.), rather than strengthening the system, the natural weapon has to deal with this ...
Your immune system!
I do not want to go back a the pharmaceutical lobby and it is not against the ignorance in some practices.
I supply you with the facts rather immune to the strengthening - of:
Strengthening of the intestinal immune system
Bacteria, viruses and fungi (which we always take anyway), connect with the largest factory of antibodies in human organism Contact: The gastro-intestinal tract.
The gastrointestinal tract contains antibody-producing cells working better than the spleen and all lymph nodes in the body.
The so-called "dendritic cells" of the immune system mukosaassoziierten detect the bacteria in the gut of the "toll-like receptors.
This toll-like receptors are called pattern recognition receptors. With the help of these receptors is different between our innate immune system "self" and "non-self".
Shall decide the gut, whether it is a pathogen or one's own (and important) intestinal flora is.
The dendritic cells produce the enzyme nitric oxide synthase. This enzyme causes the plasma cells, rather than make other immunoglobulin isotypes immunoglobulin A (IgA).
These activated plasma cells migrate through the lymphatic system is now in the lymph nodes and "mature" out there. Then connect them via the bloodstream and are distributed among the various mucous membranes of the body.
There, the immunoglobulin A given to the outside and "patrolling" then as "secretory IgA" through the mucous membranes.
In practice, showed again and again, patients with chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, speak particularly well to a gut renovation.
In a placebo controlled double blind study for treatment of chronic recurrent bronchitis, the patients three times daily 30 drops a Symbioflor one. The drug Symbioflor 1 contains cells and autolysate of Enterococcus faecalis.
The capture of Symbioflor 1 led to less, compared to placebo relapsed.
Perhaps you now understand better why many should be treated through the intestines ...
My colleagues in the therapy center in Preetz know my "standard answer" to the popular question:
"Have you not even a ball against my cold? Can you give me something fast? "
My answer: "No chocolate, no candy ..."
and if there are other colleagues (who know the answer already) add to this then the chorus:
"... No white flour, no pork , no coffee ... "
And all "non-affected" burst out laughing.
And it is actually quite simple.
Oh yes, I had already mentioned, the fasting and fasting is an excellent way to strengthen the intestinal immune system?
By the way, should on the immune system darmassozierte also (almost) any form of allergy treatment ... but that's another topic.
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