Since April 2010, I know I Leaky Gut Syndrome have a. diarrhea , mucous stool, joint deposits and fatigue symptoms were clear. Conventional medicine could not help, but an alternative medicine in our area had with me a IGE test (blood test) done and told me what foods I should avoid. An immediate (6 weeks) gut renovation with Glauber's salt in the morning and base powder in the light of the evening for me right now right diet had brought improvement.
14 days ago I learned the "Symbiontic cure" to know of Dr. Niedermaier and have completed this treatment now. In the first week it went really good to me - after the treatment, so now I can feel the toxins in my joints again. This is my blood anemia, which runs even longer. (Stressbedingt! - perhaps all other causes I've checked through a medical school).
I am now using "natural vital" an iron supplement with high bioavailability (including vitamin C).
Iron is taken up at that stage at all, or would be appropriate in this case a syringe? During my research on Leaky Gut Syndrome and Intestinal rehabilitation including liver detoxification I came across your website.
You probably are an expert in these areas? I've managed to get over my illness itself a good overview and I think it is quite easy.
And I realized that there are no exclusive agent that includes the intestinal wall again. Alternative doctor and alternative practitioners recommend the same principle: intestinal flora . But now if certain strains of bacteria for the intestine are more correct than, say, EM products including Bacteria, or the means or whether kaskadenfermentierten Rechtsregulat would be ideal, I have not yet figured out.
What do you think?
How do I get my long-term bowel and tightly? Which pre-or probiotic agents, teas, EM-bacteria, bacteria ...? can restore the intestinal fastest and come back into balance?
I thank the patient very much for the description. I would not call myself much as a "luminary" in this field.
As the problem of therapy of Leaky-Gut Syndrome I see that it
a) is difficult to diagnose
b) there is no standard therapy.
And so I sit in practice and has to "try" and "combine" from experience.
Generally I can say that the therapy of a leaky gut syndrome , at least three months to 18 can take on. It all depends on the condition of the patient.
A nutrition counseling and change is in my experience always necessary. pork , white flour products, sugar , additives, preservatives - everything comes in such a case to the test. As "relief" at the start of therapy (but not immediately), which has fast proven. These can then be tried if the patient potato juice (Bio!) or bread drink gets. Under no circumstances should patients with Leaky Gut Syndrome "immediately" to raw food , or similar change. It is the weakened bowel used in any way, usually so goes a shot backfires - ie is the patient, it will only really bad times. So move slowly.
In the further and additional treatment may be:
Classical Homeopathy - the correct choice of resources can bring immediate improvement of the welfare of the
Removal of heavy metal pollution
Biology: Removal of any mold charges in the living room
Dietary supplements: for example, Alen or Eleviza, healing clay (or better Froximun Cama ), or that of the patient APPROVED Symbiontic (since Froximun the way, is indeed the inside)
Amino acids: possible glutamine
Spurenelemnte: possibly as zinc and molybdenum
We do not underestimate the effect of the potato juice and bread Trunks! Many patients think, "Oh, the little potato juice ...."
With a pronounced leaky gut syndrome, some patients tolerate not even the Pro Symbioflor (a weak probiotic) or healing earth.
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