One-in-thirty cancer deaths are alcohol-related

Most of the people prefer alcohol over smoking just because they believe alcohol do not cause cancer. Shockingly, a recent research reported one-in-thirty cancer deaths are alcohol-related. 

A new study conducted by U.S National Cancer Institute found a concrete evidence and association between alcohol and cancer. According to report, the alcohol-related cancer deaths are in the United States. The link is more prominent with incidence of breast cancer and 15% of breast cancer related deaths are associated with alcohol consumption, he report suggested. 

The study suggested, even moderate consumption of alcohol are hazardous to health. Nearly, 30% of alcohol-related deaths are associated with less than 2 drinks, a day, the report found. 

Similar to other compounds, alcohol can cause cancer, said Dr. David Nelson at the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Despite its effect, alcohol has been overlooked by the people over years. Higher alcohol consumption is a significant risk factor of cancer, and no safe levels of alcohol consumption are tabled, he noted.  

If you’re at-risk of cancer, it is better limit alcohol to prevent cancer. The risk can be further lowered by shunning alcohol.
The exact mechanism of alcohol-induced cancer is still unknown, American Cancer Society explained. The Society believes that alcohol may act on cells as an irritant that causes irreversible damage DNA. The cells that are damaged beyond damage can cause cancer with the influence of cancer-causing agents such as tobacco and alcohol. Alcohol interrupts the synthesis of female hormones like estrogen, a key causative of breast cancer in women. 

Previously reported studies advocated the heart health benefits of moderate drinking. When considering the whole body effect, the risks are ten times more than benefits, Dr. Nelson said. 

In every cancer deaths, every patient is losing an average life span of 18 years. Alcohol accounts for about 6000 male deaths annually and alcohol is one of the causes of mouth cancer, liver, stomach cancer, breast cancer and throat cancers.

The study results were published in the American Journal of Public Health.


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