Magnesium and Heart Diseases

Magnesium and Heart Diseases

Contrary to conventional belief, not cholesterol and increased lipids levels, decreased level of blood magnesium is linked with heart diseases. The serum magnesium can be a good diagnostic marker for heart diseases. Several research studies have linked low magnesium levels with incidences of blood vessels thickening, elevated blood pressure, deposition of cholesterol (plaques) in large blood vessel walls, increased blood cholesterol levels and thickening of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis).

A meta-analysis of research publications way back from 1937 to recent studies has been conducted Dr. Andrea Rosanoff and her team. The team analyzed the association of low magnesium levels and incidences of heart diseases based on the studies over a period of four decades. 

The analyses found a statistically significant link between decreased serum magnesium levels and cardiovascular diseases. The research studies published in 1957 strongly suggested the association between magnesium and incidences of cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis). However, most of the experts believed cholesterol, and high-saturated fats as real culprits and importance of magnesium were ignored. 

Magnesium is vital for healthy metabolic activity, and it controls blood pressure, said Dr. Mehmet Oz, Professor of Surgery at Columbia University and popular host of Dr. Oz Show. Most people are not getting recommended dietary allowance of magnesium and become magnesium deficient, he added. 

Recommendations based on studies:

  • Avoid processed foods which are low in magnesium and other essential nutrients.
  • Consume legumes, cereals and nuts that are rich in magnesium
  • Do not avoid nuts to avoid calories and fats – actually they’re rich in magnesium!
  • Magnesium deficient mothers give birth to magnesium deficient children – A less-studied medical research topic!
  • Individuals who work in stressful jobs need magnesium-rich diet.
  • Calcium supplements without balanced with magnesium can cause serious heart diseases


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