Causes, treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is the common and top-trending, painful problem, and of us are being affected in some point, in our life. Plenty of medical information are available over internet about the causes, treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. The United Food and Drug Administration pointed out hemorrhoids as one of the predominant health problem in the US in 2012. 


 What are hemorrhoids?

A painful medical condition that causes due to increased pressure and swollen (inflamed) veins (blood vessels) in the anus or rectum. Hemorrhoids are common in adults aged between 45 to 65 years, pregnant and post-partum women. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle can increase the incidence. Hemorrhoids and its symptoms are easily treatable with medications and food style modifications. Hemorrhoids are two types, internal and external that form inside the rectum and near the anal opening, respectively. Strained defecationand constipation can worsen the symptoms with the occurrence of bleeding. 

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

·         Persistent or occasional itching in the anus that increases while sitting
·         Painful, hard lumps near the anal opening
·         Visible, bright red blood in poops or tissue paper
·         Intense anal pain while passing the stools


·         Laser or infra-red therapy to shrink hemorrhoids
·         Ligating the blood supplying blood vessels to shrink hemorrhoids
·         Injection or application of medicines under anesthesia
·         Surgical removal of untreatable, large hemorrhoids
·         Over-the-counter creams and pain medicines to alleviate the symptoms
·         Sitting in a warm water tub daily for 15 minutes 


·         Consumption of fiber-rich diet such as whole grains, leafy vegetables and fruits
·         Adding bulk such as Isabgol to avoid constipation
·         Drinking plenty of fluids as juices and water
·         Avoid sedentary lifestyle and sitting too long at-a-time
·         Regular exercise
·         Taking fecal softening fiber supplements and approved medicines.


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