It 'an imaging technique that uses "ultrasonic beam" in order to obtain diagnostic information (morphological, dimensiometriche, structural, etc.) and organ apparati.Nel Over the years the method has evolved a lot and fields of application have been extended progressively to surface structures (muscles, tendons, joints) with intracavitary explorations (transvaginal, transrectal) and measuring the flow (Doppler). The ultrasound image is made by using a probe (transducer) that generates the ultrasound beams and receives echoes return from an electronic system that "drive" the probe with a converter that transforms the image from digital to analog and a system of registrazione.Negli echograms obtained are recognizable morphology and structure of the organs examined, which are dependent on a specific aspect their anatomical and structural characteristics (structure solid, liquid, homogeneous inhomogeneous etc.)
What is the Doppler effect
It 's a physical phenomenon, the frequency of ultrasonic wave that encounters a moving object (red) is changed in direct proportion to the speed of movement are stesso.Gli Doppler ultrasound for determining the presence, direction and characteristics of blood flow within an area selected by the defined sample volume. The devices are eco-color-doppler ultrasound machines that exploit the features in black and white, and color Doppler of giving information simultaneously and in real time on the morphology and structure of the organs examined the characteristics of the flows and the color of the form view a map of vascular disease in both the physiological. "Stressing" the machines to their full potential you can get information that is morfostruturali functional.
In skeletal muscle pathology such information gives the U.S.
There is still a considerable growth of interest for clinical diagnostic ultrasound in musculoskeletal disease, a phenomenon that goes hand in hand with the evolution of sports
medicine probably due to the growth of the sport even younger age. Ultrasound identifies location, extent, structural characteristics of the muscle-tendon injury, and allows monitoring until the scar. Allows the use of dynamic examination that provides a direct view of the mechanism of action of the muscles and tendons and joints for potential synergies impingement syndrome.
The U.S. can replace other imaging modalities
For the characteristics inherent in the method (readily available in the area, low cost, safety, repeatability) stands as the ultrasound examination of the first level and is able by itself to terminate the diagnostic procedure. Other times it is necessary to integrate the ultrasound findings with diagnostic methods of the higher level (CT, MRI) and also with conventional radiology. Obviously the reliability of diagnostic ultrasound is related to operator skill and experience to be a knowledge of clinical and other imaging methods to integrate and exploit its diagnostic potential.
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