The nurse's legal and forensic fields electives are also:
• the legal, theatrical industry in collaboration with the Medical Examiner ;
• the clinical risk management, for specific skills for drafting projects and consultancy in the design of nursing folders;

• and management assistance for victims of child abuse;
• care and management of alcohol addiction and drugs, in collaboration with physicians and institutional service charge;
• legal assistance and trade union colleagues, in collaboration with lawyers, associations, trade unions;
• education and health information, particularly to schools and the prevention of drug abuse.
The legal and forensic nurse training program provides university masters of 1 º and 2 º level, activated in several Italian universities, including using IT systems. In May 2009 she was born on Italy's first association for nurses, legal and forensic (AILF) .
The purpose dell'AILF are:
• represent my colleagues in institutional settings, so that this figure is recognized and valued in legislation and collective agreements;
• courts to recognize the figure of the Bar, with a specific register CTU;
• give support to students and to those who are interested in the field of forensic nursing;
• offer technical advice in legal and forensic colleagues;
• promote and specialize in the forensic context the figure of sexual violence, this figure in the world as the sole • professional responsible for the management of victims and the collection, preparation and preservation of evidence;
• bring together professionals in this new branch of nursing in Italy to exchange ideas, projects, experiences and professional growth;
• facilitate access to a vast archive of material, even from abroad, especially from the Anglo-Saxon countries.
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