"Caring" was a task accomplished almost exclusively by the woman who since prehistoric times through the use of herbal medicines was trying to help the body to overcome the problems of health, nutrition, growth, psycho- physical.
In all cultures the world women have always been a figure close to the sufferer. in later centuries, the power of acquiring the woman-doctor meant that they were unjustly accused of witchcraft and the secrets passed to medical care - strictly men. The woman continued, but without the care decision making. was the charity that was exercised by the ladies, noble ladies, sisters, etc..
In the nineteenth century was made by Florence Nightingale and his strong scientific and humanistic recognition of the role of ' care in the care of the sick and the management of all the health needs of the person. The nurses worked out Anglo-Saxon nursing theories that have revolutionized the approach to nursing care and enhanced with a body of knowledge to determine the landing training at universities.

From 1976 to become a nurse, then called "registered nurse" was simply a course of three years professional training program recognized by ' the European Union which could be accessed with a schooling of 10 years (two years of high school).
Since 1990 , is established, the "first level university degree in nursing."
Here is a brief transition period between the old and the new teaching and in 1992 is established the definitive transition to university education. Become a mandatory requirement for the diploma of secondary school second degree. The degree awarded after the course is a "university degree".
The Nurse course today
In 2001 , a university diploma in nursing has been transformed into three-year degree and is also provided for the master degree in nursing and midwifery.
So today the profession is subject to the attainment of a university degree (bachelor's degree in nursing), issued after a final examination qualifying value to the profession and its inclusion in the professional register . This license is valid throughout the national territory in accordance with European legislation on free movement of professionals. Are deemed valid licenses acquired before the current law (registered nurse, university degree in nursing).
The stages of the Nurse training
• Degree in nursing (3 years, 180 credits , the title "doctor of nursing")
• Degree (Specialist) in nursing and midwifery (2 years, 120 credits, the title "doctor of science degree in nursing and midwifery)
• PhD (3 years, the title "doctor of nursing research")
• Master Level I or Level II (1 year, 60 credits)
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