The neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) and disorders are the group of neurological disorders that can affect any of the nerves, their functions, the associated organs and their functions. Neuromuscular diseases can paralyze the functions of the nerves and the muscular activities, and it mostly affects the skeletal muscle and cardiac muscles. Some of the common forms of neuromuscular diseases are spinal muscular atrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Huntington’s chorea, charcot-marie-tooth disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, stroke and other genetic diseases. Most of the neuromuscular diseases are not curable but these medical conditions usually respond to medicines and other forms of medical procedures such as neuro-rehabilitation and physical treatments. Many patients often confuse between central nervous system disorders and neuromuscular diseases.
Neuromuscular diseases can be a result of nerve and neuro-muscular damage often caused by neuromuscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, and rhabdomyolysis (autoimmune diseases); heavy metal poisoning; demyelization of the nerves; infections such as tetanus; lack of vitamin B12 absorption; leiomyosarcoma and some forms of lung cancers. Most of the underlying conditions for the Neuromuscular Diseases are genetic or unknown reasons (idiopathic etiology)
• Muscular pain
• Twitching
• Spasms
• Profuse weakness and inability to move
• Partial or complete loss of muscle-coordinated movements
Radiological diagnosis may not be helpful but it can rule out the presence of tumors, a known cause of neuromuscular diseases. These tests must be clinically correlated with the patient’s symptoms and clinical examinations. Some of the conventional diagnoses for neuromuscular diseases are:
• Electromyogram (EMG)
• Biochemical tests such as CPK, CPK-MB, CK
• Serological tests for the autoimmune antibodies
• Complete blood counts
Treatment Options
The pharmacological treatment options for neuromuscular diseases are Riluzole, corticosteroids such as prednisone and muscle relaxants along with nutritional management and exercise. Apart from the treatment, assisted care for the patient to perform the daily activities and physical therapy can be provided. However, the treatment options may vary from person to person and it usually depends on the medical condition and the severity.
Most of the prognosis of neuromuscular diseases is good and these medical conditions respond well to the available medications and the surgical procedures. Some of the supporting treatments such as Physical therapy and rehabilitation can be useful for the neuromuscular disease patients to cope up with the disease conditions. These Neuromuscular Diseases are usually treatable but not curable. Some of the recent researches in stem cell therapies and gene therapies claim that many of the neuromuscular diseases are curable in the experimental animal models and these researches are yet to be done in the humans.
Most of the neuromuscular diseases cannot be preventable, as they are caused by genetic conditions. If the underlying cause of neuromuscular diseases is an infection, drug-induced or any other treatable/curable metabolic disease, the incidence and occurrence of neuromuscular diseases can be prevented.
When to see a doctor
If you experience abnormally disabled movements, inability to perform physical activities such as sitting, standing and walking or if your symptoms get worse after your treatment or if you feel the home care treatment for your medical condition is not enough, you must consult your physician immediately.
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