

The BioAnalyst, or bio informatics, is involved in fundamental and functional research to extend knowledge of living organisms, deal with natural resources and new products in the fields and develop new practices of the agriculture and medicine . He works in both laboratory and field for government agencies consulting environment, resource companies, and utilities, chemical companies, pharmaceutical and biotech as well as health facilities and of education.

Bioanalysts Description

Located between the world of computers and of biology, computer BioAnalyst applies to different fields of biology such as genomics.

Bioanalysts Main tasks

The BioAnalyst is a manager of database system's specific biological data. In collaboration with experts from medical, surgical and pharmaceutical companies, he developed specialized software and databases used to support diagnosis and treatment by computer or working on the development of telecommunications technology network for specific requirements (remote consultation between specialists, surgical hotline electronic transmission of video images, etc.).. Computer specialist, he also has training and experience to understand the medical information he needs to compile and computer processing, and the complex needs of medical community in telecommunications.

Bioanalysts Degree

A college degree in natural science with chemistry and biology, with a BAC of mathematics, computer science or biology, or a PhD MSc. Bio informatics is recommended to enter this profession.

Bioanalysts Skills

∙ mastery of the various analytical tools of biological data (analysis software, programming languages, modeling and database design)
∙ very good knowledge of biology (molecular genetics), statistics, probability
∙ control features of project management collection, supervision and recording of results
∙ excellent knowledge of English.


∙ analytical skills, abstraction and synthesis
∙ rigor and method
∙ adaptability to position themselves correctly in relation to a dual membership disciplinary
∙ listening skills and teamwork
∙ autonomy and critical thinking


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