For the first time, the possible links between perinatal (period immediately before and after birth) exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) and risk of developing food intolerance in later stages were reported in The FASEB Journal. The risk is likely even at low doses exposure, the experimental study suggested.
BPA is generally found in polycarbonate plastics used in certain medical devices, food cans, water bottles, dental sealants, baby bottles, water supply pipes and drink packaging etc. BPA leaches into the food substances, and contributes to BPA exposure. The degree of BPA leaching depends on the temperature of food or liquid substances. Hot water accelerates leaching of BPA in water bottles, particularly in prolonged used bottles.
According to Dr. Sandrine Menard, department of Neuro-Gastroenterology and Nutrition, INRA, France, food consumption is the main source of BPA exposure in most people. The study found evidential association between perinatal BPA exposure and development of food intolerance/allergy in later stages of life.
The study involved low dose oral exposure of BPA in rat pups, up to weaning period. In later stages of life, abnormal immune response to new food proteins such as ovalbumin (egg protein) was observed. The symptoms of immune reaction to ovalbumin mimicked food intolerance/allergy in BPA exposed animals. Generally, the results of experimental animals are similar to human clinical trials.
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