Experimental animal studies have suggested that high protein diets are linked with kidney diseases risks. Dukan diet is a popular high-protein diet that is gaining steam in the recent years, and being adopted by several celebrities including Duchess of Cambridge and Jennifer Lopez. The health benefits of Dukan diet are quite controversial. The dietary regimen was introduced by a French physician, Dr. Pierre Dukan.
Researchers from the University of Granada, Spain have suggested that high-protein diet raise the kidney diseases and kidney stone risk. Even, Dr. Dukan has warned about the potential problems associated health problems such as bad breath, constipation, vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies and reduced energy. Discontinuation of Dukan diet may increase weight gain within three years with significant risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes.
The scientists fed the experimental animals with protein-rich diet for 12 weeks, and compared the results with normal feed received animals. The former group lost about 10% of body weight with increased kidney weight by 22%, which attributes to kidney diseases.
Evidence of kidney diseases such as kidney stones was present in most of the protein-rich diet fed animals.
These results could be similar to the humans, and caution should be exercised while consuming high protein diet, the experts have warned.
Regular exercise with intake of more fresh fruits and vegetable could reduce kidney diseases among Dukan diet consumers.
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