Eat walnuts to live longer

                                                                     Want to live longer? 

Eat a handful of walnuts just thrice a week, a recent study published in the journal BMC Medicine suggested. 
Walnuts could cut the risk of cancer-related deaths by 40% and heart-related problems by 55%. 

The study was conducted by scientists at the Rovira I Virgili University, Spain. 

In the study, the researchers compared the benefits and the risk of death among nut eaters including walnuts. The study included about 7, 000 participants aged 55 to 90 years. The participants were divided into two groups. Half of the participants were asked to take walnuts, thrice weekly. The rest of the participants were assigned to take any other edible nuts, thrice weekly. 

The researchers assessed the death risk among the other edible nut eater and walnut eaters. About 45% reduced risk of death was observed in the walnut eaters. However, the same benefit was about 39% in other edible nut eaters. 

Globally, cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the leading killer diseases that claim millions of life disregard of race and financial position.


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