A research study published in the journal BMC Medicine reported the strong association between consumption of processed meat and incidences of premature deaths. According to the study, consumption of too much of processed meat can cause cancer and premature heart diseases.
Several documented studies linked incidences of type-2 diabetes, heart diseases with consumption of bacon, sausages, hot dogs and deli-meats.
Nearly half million people from ten European countries were involved to analyze the risks of processed meat and white meat including cardiovascular diseases, type-2 diabetes, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer. Other causatives such as familial inheritance and lifestyle choice were also considered as study variables.
In the present study, researchers found an association between less consumption of fruits and increased smoking habits in males. In the same population, men who consumed more meat were more likely to consume alcohol.
The risks of premature death were increased in the study participants by such factors even after correcting several confounding research variables. A statistically significant rate of premature death incidences were observed in the group who were on high diet of processed meat.
Despite these negatives, researchers said consumption of less amount of red meat can be beneficial to health due to the presence of micronutrients and vitamins in significant levels.
According to the study guide, Dr. Sabine Rohrmann, University of Zurich, a direct and strong correlation between increased consumption of processed meat consumption and premature deaths due to heart diseases and cancer. If people reduce the intake of processed meat to under 20 gm/day, incidences of nearly 3% of premature deaths can be prevented, Dr. Sabine added.
According to the study guide, Dr. Sabine Rohrmann, University of Zurich, a direct and strong correlation between increased consumption of processed meat consumption and premature deaths due to heart diseases and cancer. If people reduce the intake of processed meat to under 20 gm/day, incidences of nearly 3% of premature deaths can be prevented, Dr. Sabine added.
Instead of taking processed meat as a main piece of a meal, you can take it as a small side dish with plenty of green vegetables as salads.
The study authors said the implications of the study are moderate with a positive correlation between the causative factor and the diseases.
The study authors said the implications of the study are moderate with a positive correlation between the causative factor and the diseases.
The study implications were validated by a previous research study conducted experts from National Cancer Institute, Maryland. When compared to non-meat eaters, red and processed meat consumers are more prone to premature deaths by cancer and cardiovascular disease, according to the study published in Archives of Internal Medicines, March 2009. However, no or reduced risks were found in non-meat eaters and white meat eaters.
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